Solar power isn’t free, nor green

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Sunlight is free, of course a solar panel is not.

Not sure what you mean about green

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Jun 30·edited Jun 30

Landfill Stephen, toxic waste during manufacture and end of life disposal, plus the environmental damage by mining those materials and for what? 6-8% CF above the 45th parallel and 0% CF at night, or in dark, cold winter months - it’s a technological and economic joke, chasing a solution to an unproven AGW hypothesis, in which greenfoolery billionaires strive to become trillionaires

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Germany generates 2X the electricity from solar than Spain and solar installations are up 25% this year. So I guess they work fine.

Enviro damage from fossil fuel mining is 1000X larger than solar and the impacts of fossil fuel pollution are 1000000 greater. You're denying reality.

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